FiT - Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V.
The FiT Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V. (FiT cleaning association) operates as an interface between research, development and application of industrial cleaning technology. FiT aims to generate new insights, collect and bundle existing knowledge and promote exchange within the industry and externally.
FiT is the contact and mediator for:
- Users, manufacturers and service providers from the industrial cleaning technology sector
- Research and development organisations
The FiT's areas of responsibility include:
- Education, training and qualification of specialists in the field of industrial parts cleaning
- Communication and cooperation with authorities at national and EU level on the subject of regulations and laws
- Putting industrial parts cleaning in the right light
SITA Messtechnik GmbH is involved in FiT on many levels:
CEO Juliane Schulze is a current Executive Board member and head of the Public Relations Committee. Team leader of Applications André Lohse is head of the Measurement, Testing and Control Committee. Sandra Wensch, Wolfgang Schmitt and Stefan Büttner are also active in the technical committees.
SITA helps organise the FiT-Symposium and the annual Basic Seminar with presentations.
Senior CEO and founder Prof. Dr. Lothar Schulze was actively involved in the development of the Guidelines for Quality-assured Process Management in Parts Cleaning (PDF at The document provides orientation for the exchange of experience, problem solving and the development of new solutions. They form the basis for cooperation between suppliers in the industrial parts cleaning industry and the operators of cleaning plantssystems and machines within the parts manufacturing process chain.
Team leader of Applications André Lohse is one of the authors of the Guideline: Safe Control of Filmic Contamination. It adresses operators of parts cleaning systems, those responsible for cleaning processes, process chain managers and users of measuring and testing technology. It is intended to facilitate quality-assuring process management. Based on the available state of the art, the FiT Cleaning Association compiled practical and expert knowledge as well as user experience between 2015 and 2018.
CEC - Cleaning Excellence Center
The CEC Cleaning Excellence Centre is the competence and user network for technical Cleanliness based in Leonberg near Stuttgart. It is the basis for information, dialogue and questions on all aspects of technical cleanliness (TecSa), from questions on technology, chemistry and analytics through to process capability and economic efficiency.
CEC brings together the right partners and offer innovative dialogue.
- Members shape the contents
- Interest groups bring together expertise
- Working groups concretise current topics
- Participation in specialist conferences and congresses
- Access to universities and R&D projects
- Orientation through market studies
- Exchange of experience
- Joint stands at trade fairs
- Comparative studies of measuring and testing systems
- Contact mediation
SITA participates in the CEC at joint stands at trade fairs, in surveys and in current projects.
AWT - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e.V.
As a member of AWT Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung und Werkstofftechnik e.V. (AWT Working group heat treatment and materials technology) SITA is active in the “Technical Committee 14 - Component Cleaning”.
The technical committee works on topics relating to industrial parts cleaning and cleanliness inspection under the special aspects of heat treatment.
In 2023, we played a key role in developing an overview on the topic (Inspection of parts surfaces and cleaning agents (German version as PDF on
The members of the technical committee meet every six months to discuss current issues and exchange expertise.
DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. (DIN German Institute for Standardisation.) is the independent platform for standardisation in Germany and worldwide.
The technical work of standardisation is carried out in working committees. Only one working committee or committee is responsible for a specific standardisation task, which also performs these tasks in the regional and international standardisation organisations. As a rule, several working committees are combined to form a DIN standards committee.
SITA is a DIN member and is actively involved in the working committees "NA 002-00-07-15 AK Contact angle/Wettability" and "NA 062-01-81 AA Parts cleaning and cleanliness of metallic components in the manufacturing process".
SAB - Sächsische Aufbaubank
SAB Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB Saxon Development Bank) is the central development institute of the Free State of Saxony.
On the basis of the law on the establishment of the Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - (FördbankG) from 19 June 2003, the SAB supports the Free State of Saxony in the fulfilment of its public tasks as an institution under public law.
The SAB supports SITA Messtechnik GmbH with funding in cooperation with external partners for the development of innovative products and the digitalisation of the company's internal processes.
The funding for this comes from the European Regional Development Fund.
FRL MINT-Specialist programme ESF Plus 2021 - 2027 (German version)Download(1 MB) |
Development and improvement of fluorescence sensors and a hand-held measuring device (German version)Download(1 MB) |
Transformation project, information and communication technologies / processes, networking of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and production systems (German version)Download(1 MB) |